Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and Marriage Chaos in Utah

Today marks the beginning of My Catholic Year. And as it happens, today's a Holy Day of Obligation (The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God) so I'll be going to Mass later.

Still, between my illness and all this holiday craziness, I haven't had a chance to comment on the state of marriage in Utah. First "homosexual marriage" was legalized there followed swiftly thereafter by the effective decriminalization of polygamy.

For years, those who favor the traditional definition of marriage argued that permitting "gay marriage" would eventually lead to a full-scale destruction of marriage. After all, if marriage can be something other than one man and one woman, why can't it be anything at all? The gay lobby constantly shouted my side down, called us paranoid rightwingers and denounced the efficacy and usefulness of slippery slope arguments.

Strangely enough though, they've all been very silent about goings on in Utah lately. A simple oversight, I'm sure.

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