Monday, January 6, 2014

Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Schism and Rebellion


Lutherans and Catholics bury the hatchet for Reformation’s 500th.

So let me get this straight. We'll just set aside how Martin Luther kickstarted the movement that's led millions of people into heresy because this is the five-hundredth anniversary of when he did so.

Yeah, seems legit.

Full disclosure- I'm very much an either or, black or white thinker. It's the rare question that has multiple correct answers. Either the Catholic Church is the way to salvation and those who rebel against her authority are heretics OR Martin Luther was absolutely right about every problem he had with church authority. Either or. One or the other.

I see no middle-ground on this.

This isn't to say nothing good came from the Reformation. Far from it, in fact. Luther's rebellion led to the Council of Trent where several of his grievances were addressed. Oddly enough, considering what I said above, it's not as simple a matter that Luther was right about everything he said or he was wrong about everything. The Church eventually concluded that he was factually correct about some of his points.

The issue though is that he was inexcusably wrong when he rebelled against the Pope's authority and leadership. His issues could've been worked out had he given the system a chance. He didn't. Instead he led an uprising in defiance of the Church's God-given authority.

I see nothing there worth celebrating. In fact, the anniversary is no small source of anger for me since I was sucked in my Protestant crap for most of my life.

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