You know what I don't get? There's a group of people out there who regularly get burned in effigy for taking a summer recess each year. It'd be accurate, I think, to say they're lazy, unproductive and utterly unremarkable. And this is not to mention their various and sundry sex scandals.
Yes, the United States Congress is a truly worthless bunch in most cases. And they're often criticized for it.
But there's another group of people who get nothing but sympathy and encouragement for taking a summer recess each year. It'd be accurate, I think, to say they're lazy, unproductive and utterly unremarkable. And this is not to mention their various and sundry sex scandals.
Yes, school teachers are a truly worthless bunch in most cases. But, in spite of the fact that most of them are even worse than Congressmen, they're almost never criticized for it.
They both regularly fail to perform to even the most minimal standards of their job, basic morality or even common decency. They both have amazing retirement packages way out of proportion to their personal ethics or professional success.
And yet, only Congress regularly gets lambasted by everybody. School teachers, in spite of having every bit as dismal a success rate with their job performance, are all but sainted by society even though they absolutely suck at their jobs and can't even teach children how to write so much as a corporate memo.
I mean, what's up with that?
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